LOS ANGELES, CA (November 1, 2019) - This week, the Los Angeles Board of Public Works celebrated the achievements of exemplary employees throughout the Department of Public Works in honor of National Filipino American History Month. Seven hard working women and men were recognized at the Board of Public Works Meeting on Wednesday for their accomplishments in serving the City of Los Angeles, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and inspiring future generations of City employees.
The Filipino American community is the second largest Asian American group in the United States with a population of over 4 million as of the 2018 American Community Survey, making up nearly twenty percent of Asian Americans. The greater Los Angeles area has the highest concentration of Filipinos in the world outside of the Philippines.
"The success Filipino Americans bring to the City of Los Angeles is reflected here at the Department of Public Works. From engineering roles to working in the financial divisions, the Filipino American employees help deliver services at the highest possible standards and that benefits us all,” said Commissioner Jessica Caloza, "As a first generation Filipina American, I am proud to celebrate their contributions to the City and thank them for invaluable work."
From maintaining our streets and sewers, fixing potholes, installing street lights to building bridges, the Department of Public Works is enhancing the quality of life for people across the City of Los Angeles. As Filipino American History Month comes to a close, the Department of Public Works has recognized employees from each of the five Bureaus and two Board offices for their efforts and accomplishments. These are employees whose hard work has been of great benefit to the entire Department of Public Works.
George Adea, Bureau of Engineering: George has served with the Bureau of Engineering in the Administrative Division for nearly twenty years. Originally from Manila, Philippines, George immigrated to the U.S. in 1991. George studied Business Administration at De Salle College and then went back to work in the Philippines for a number of years until moving permanently to the U.S. Also part of the LA City family, George's wife, Liza, worked with the Bureau of Street Services until her retirement this year. They have three children, one of whom is pursuing a degree in Engineering.
Maricel El-Amin, Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA): Maricel started working for the City of Los Angeles in March 1999. Maricel has worked for the StreetsLA Urban Forestry Division sinceSeptember 2015. Maricel was hired for the Sidewalk Repair Program during the program’s implementation. Contributing and exchanging ideas on policies and procedures of the program, by far this is the most rewarding to her. She also supervises the administrative staff and assists the Urban Forestry Division Chief Forester.
Cecile Buncio, Bureau of Sanitation (LASAN): Cecile has a Professional Engineering License in Chemical Engineering and is a product of the City’s campus recruitment program. She began her career at LASAN as an Engineering Associate at Industrial Waste Management Division before working for the Solid Resources Support Services Division and Regulatory Affairs Division. Currently, she is the Division Manager of the 24/7 Customer Care Center.
Angela Tumbucon, Bureau of Contract Administration: Angela is a Management Analyst for the Bureau of Contract Administration in the Certification, Outreach, Regulations and Enforcement Section. Angela works in certification which helps increase the diversity of the vendor contracting pool in the City of Los Angeles. She is the lead in organizing the City’s flagship Accessing LA events which provides contractors with networking opportunities to connect with public agencies.
Ryan Urbano, Bureau of Street Lighting: Ryan has been a valuable employee since he joined the Bureau in April 2010. Ryan supervises the Financial Section which oversees the preparation of the Budget, monitoring of several funding sources, monitoring of the transfers of funds, overseeing the Hiring Hall accounts, reparation of several reports such as Financial Status Report, Construction Project Report, Reversion of Funds, Revenue Report, CIEP Re-appropriation Report, Related Costs Report and Overtime Report. Ryan is also the lead in preparing the tracking reports for the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (SLMAF).
Anton J. “AJ” Castro, Office of Accounting: AJ is a Senior Accountant II handling all accounting services associated with the Capital Improvement Expenditure Program, and provides accounting support to the Bureau of Engineering programs, such as Fund 682 Engineering Special Services. AJ lived in Hawaii for 8 years working for the Hawaii State Department of Public Safety, before he decided to move to the US mainland. AJ started working for the City of Los Angeles in February of 2016.
Francisco “Sonny” Berberabe, Office of Petroleum and Natural Gas Administration and Safety: Sonny is a Senior Environmental Engineer. Sonny began his career with the City in 1988, working as a Lab Technician with LASAN’s Environmental Monitoring Division. Now, Sonny is responsible for all safety and compliance, including inspection of the City's oil wells and pipeline infrastructure moving various petroleum based products or utility (i.e., water, steam, gas, etc.) commodities. Sonny’s wife, Susan, is an Environmental Compliance Inspector with the Watershed Protection Division.
Posted on 11/04/2019