If you are interested in seeing LA's tree canopy shown in detailed map form, now's your chance. If you haven't yet looked at the new viewer for the LA County LiDAR tree data, you really should take the time to do it. The original project, mapping current tree canopy and other critical information in the region at a high resolution, has been tremendously valuable to policy makers and urban forest practitioners. The US Forest Service and CalFire funded an extension of that project to make the data accessible in a way that allows anyone to explore the data in the map, and it's now available. This map provides a great improvement, in contrast to the static report that was available previously.
There is a story map that can provide an orientation to the viewers. (https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/df083f2adb6a4650a738dbf2805674e2)
A recording of a recent webinar explaning the new resource is very helpful in explaining the capabilities of the basic and advanced viewers. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq9HqTF4fGw&feature=emb_logo)
A basic viewer (https://lmu-la.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=eed2401474d140f181f03e69a1d835e7) and an advanced viewer (https://lmu-la.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=8d77f677faba40ce9f51d98e9a3196aa) are available here.
Dig in and enjoy!