The Management Manual System was created March 21, 1996 by action of the Board of Public Works. It contains the written Personnel Policies and Personnel Directives adopted by the Board of Public Works. The Manual is designed to guide supervisors in exercising uniform management practices and to apprise them of current personnel policies and procedures used in the Department.
Maintenance and updating of the Management Manual system is the responsibility of the Office of Management Employee Services. Many portions of the existing Manual have not been updated for some time. Consequently, the entire Manual system has now been updated and reissued as needed.
To help you use the Manual most effectively, the contents of the Management Manual are separated into two categories: Personnel Directives, and Personnel Policies. At the front of each category, there is a separate Table of Contents listing current and past Directives and Policies, respectively. The material in each category is numbered in consecutive order and dated for easy reference.
Personnel Policies:
Generally, there has been no significant change to the Personnel Policies. A Personnel Policy adopted by the Board represents a continuing statement of purpose, goals, and objectives, and often provides guidelines to ensure that consistent and proper procedures are followed throughout the Department.
Personnel Directives:
A Personnel Directive provides a guideline or procedure concerning personnel matters of continuing importance and will remain in effect, until revised or rescinded by the Board of Public Works.
Major changes have been made to the Personnel Directives. A background section briefly explains the Department Policy and any other pertinent authority or rationale upon which the Directive is based. Following the background section is the specific procedure to be followed along with samples of - and/or web links to - any necessary forms or documents. The procedure section is followed by a reference line showing major sources used and a “supersedes” line which identifies the most recent document replaced by the Directive. All significant changes will be noted on a new change bulletin that will now accompany all revised, or newly issued directives.
Research and Review:
A Personnel Policy or Directive is issued only after thorough research of the subject has been completed. Research may involve consultation with City and/or other government offices and a careful review of all pertinent regulations to ensure accuracy and legality. In most instances, a proposed draft of a new or revised Directive/Policy will be prepared and submitted to each Public Works Bureau Head and to appropriate employee organizations for comment and review. Following consideration of input from all concerned parties, the final Policies and Directives will be submitted to the Board of Public Works for adoption.
Distribution and Responsibilities:
All future distribution of Directives and Policies will be accompanied by Management Manual Change Bulletins. As mentioned previously, this new Change Bulletin will contain a brief summary of the substantive changes and instructions to manual holders concerning page insertions and removals.
Supervisors are encouraged to review the contents of the Manual regularly to ensure equitable and consistent treatment of employees and proper application of the Policies and Directives. Questions concerning any item in the Management Manual should be directed to your immediate supervisor or the staff of the Office of Management Employee Services. Suggestions regarding recommended changes or additions to the contents of the Manual are appreciated.